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The Dolphin Within Me 
It’s a pleasure to meet you: - the Essence of Life - the Essence of Life Children’s Division, a community interest company - believe that when we feel good about ourselves we also feel good about those around us, because peace begins with each and every one of us, we understand that the ability to make our lives better and to contribute to our environment is within us.
So come together adolescents, children and adults by means of “The Dolphin Within Me” on a journey that will open our hearts to love.
“The Dolphin Within Me” invites us to a fascinating and enriching experiential and learning journey where we will be able to meet the dolphin, the shark and the goldfish inside of us, on a journey to inner peace.









 Phone:  09-9550981   Mobile:  052-8359031   Fax:   09-9553080