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Yes, No & Angel
Recomposing the Melody of Your Life

Embark on a journey to your very first origins, back to the time when you heard inviting voices calling 'Yes' to freedom, growth and love, and forbidding voices ordering 'No' to restraint, reserve and abstinence. Yet, other contrasting external voices you heard were absorbed, perceived and rooted until they became habits and behavioral patterns against your nature.  
Yes, No & Angel cards kit offers you a golden opportunity to rechoose the voices and patterns that compose the melody of your life, while listening to the angel residing inside you. 
Yes, No & Angle cards kit includes 107 beautifully illustrated cards: 49 'Yes' cards, 49 'No' cards, and 9 Angels of color and action, as well as suggestions for creative and effective awareness and therapeutic work.  





 Phone:  09-9550981   Mobile:  052-8359031   Fax:   09-9553080